Anime about Siblings

Top 10 Anime where MC is to take care of siblings (2023)

Sometimes anime stories can get you emotional. Especially the stories of families. Some stories might even make you cry and yell. But there is something magical and heroic about these family stories. Otakusmart brings you the top 10 Anime where…

Japanese anime ban 2020

The Japanese anime ban explained

Follow my blog with Bloglovin If you have been on the web lately then you probably heard of the recent kissanime shut down. The Japanese government destroyed anime piracy by implementing a full-fledged ban on illegal anime and manga distribution.…

How to watch naruto in one week

How to watch Naruto series in just 1 week

Naruto, the animation which made our childhood awesome. A series about Ninjas, Jutsus, and family. In 1997, Naruto was first rolled out as Japanese manga. People went crazy over the story of Naruto Uzumaki and his journey of becoming a…

Tower of god review

Tower of God Episode 1 Eng sub review – otakusmart

Tower of God, a web novel which was adapted to anime because of the overwhelming popularity among pop culture geeks. In the first week of its release Tower of god quickly gained Popularity in the anime community throughout the world.…

Tower of God episode 5

Kami no Tou: Tower of God Episode 5 review

Kami no Tou: Tower of God Episode 5 review. In a span of over a week, Kami no Tou: Tower of God gained immense popularity in global the anime community. The story, plot, and action is worth every piece of…

Best anime shows 2020

Most hyped Anime of 2020

This list is filled with the most hyped Anime for the year 2020. This spring, anime series are coming in with new seasons and original shows. Otakusmart brings you the most hyped Anime of spring 2020. SAO : War of…

Plastic memories review - otakusmart

Plastic memories review – otakusmart

Plastic memories is a 13 episode Sci-fi, romance anime which was aired in the year 2015. Plastic memories or plamemo is a emotional rollercoaster where android bodies or giftias exist alongside human beings. A giftia is a humanoid being with…