Category Anime

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Anime Names Inspired By Greek Mythology (2023)

Anime Names Inspired By Greek Mythology

In this article, we will look into the Anime which used some of the famous Greek mythology gods as the name of their characters. I’ll enlighten you prior with the content of this article, in brief, i.e., we are not…

Top 7 Best Ways to Handle Post-Anime Depression

Handle Post-Anime Depression

Top 7 Best Ways to Handle Post-Anime Depression Have you ever experienced post anime depression? If yes then don’t worry because you are not alone. It happens a lot of the time with me and with others too. Especially with…

Top 10 Must-Watch Greek Mythology Anime (2022-2023)

Greek Mythology Anime

These anime allude to Greek mythology: an assortment of legends including renowned Greek divine beings, like Zeus, Hades, and Athena; or accounts of Greek legendary figures, similar to Hercules, Odysseus, or Achilles. The anime can happen in Greece. Also Read:…

Tokyo Revengers Ending Explained

Tokyo Revengers ending explained

The Tokyo Revengers manga is in its final stages. It has officially entered its Final Arc with the release of chapter 207 on the 26 of March 2021. The final arc currently holds 13 chapters, with chapter 220 released on…

MAPPA On The Run: Upcoming Projects For 2021-2022

Mappa Upcoming projects

What Is MAPPA? Maruyama Animation Produce Project Association or MAPPA, a Japanese animation studio. Founded on the 14th of June 2011 by Masao Maruyama. Masao Maruyama, a former producer and the founder of a well-known studio called Madhouse.Famous anime produced…