Category Anime

Catch the latest news in Anime and Manga from Japan. Get recommendations, Anime reviews, Top 10 lists, and more.

Crunchyroll Anime Awards 2021 Winner list

Crunchyroll anime award list 2021

Crunchyroll is the biggest anime streaming platform, and streaming anime is not the only thing Crunchyroll is famous for. The company has been providing a ton of events, festivals, competitions, exhibitions, and various awards show for the anime community. In…

Hidden Japanese Manga Stores In Bangalore

Manga shop in Bangalore

Buying Japanese manga in Bangalore is a tough task. In fact, purchasing manga anywhere in India is a tough task. But thanks to Quorans, and Redditors, I found some great places in Bangalore to feed your manga appetite. Before we…

The Top 10 Best Fight Scenes In Jujutsu Kaisen

Best Jujutsu Kaisen fights

Jujutsu Kaisen is going strong in 2021. The battles are bloodier and fans get to see more one vs one battle among Jujustu Sorcerers and Curse spirits. The latest Kyoto exchange event also shed light on some new characters and…

The Best And Top Anime Waifu of 2022-2023

Best waifu of 2021

And yet again, we are here. Counting waifus and arguing about who is the best waifu of winter 2021-2022? Before we list down the best anime girls for this year, make sure to accept our differences, and I apologize if…