The television version of Yusei Matsui’s original work, “The Prince Who Runs Away,” or “Nigejozu no Wakakuni,” is much anticipated by fans of historical animation. The series, which is slated to premiere on 30 stations countrywide on July 6th, promises an engaging story with a historical setting.
The second promotional video, which teases viewers with peeks of what’s to come, is the subject of the latest buzz.
“The Prince Who Runs Away” follows the adventures of Hojo Tokiyuki, the second son of Hojo Takatoki, head of the Kamakura Shogunate. With the fall of the Kamakura Shogunate, Tokiyuki finds himself in a chaotic and uncertain world amid dangerous circumstances.
Viewers are introduced to Suwa Yorishige, a fascinating priest whose entrance represents a significant turning point in Tokiyuki’s journey.
The Prince Who Runs Away Trailer Reveals Youth and Discovery
The teaser teases an intriguing moment in which Tokiyuki is literally and metaphorically driven to the brink of death, along with the mysterious words, “It is only when you are on the brink of death that the heroism within you shines.” A captivating tale that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats is hinted at in these shots.
With the news that the first screening of the series will occur on June 23 at Kamakura, Kanagawa’s ancient Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, excitement for it has reached unprecedented heights.
This place has a unique meaning, which heightens the authenticity of the watching experience. Before the anime’s formal release, attendees will get the chance to watch it and interact with the cast, which includes Yuichi Nakamura as Suwa Yorishige, Asaki Yukawa as Hojo Tokiyuki, and Hinaki Yano as Shizuku.
Details for the premiere screening are as follows:
- TV anime The Prince Who Runs Away Premiere Screening at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine
- Date: Sunday, June 23, 2024
- Location: Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Kanagawa Prefecture
- Cast: Asaki Yukawa, Hinaki Yano, Yuichi Nakamura
The Prince Who Runs Away Premier Event
After the premiere, “The Prince Who Runs Away” will debut on television on July 6th, winning over viewers all around Japan. The series, which will be shown on several networks including BS11, MBS, Gunma Television, TOKYO MX, and Tochigi Television, is expected to captivate audiences with its captivating narrative and lively animation.
Notable artists such as character designer Nishitani Yasushi, series composer Tomita Yoriko, and director Yamazaki Yuta comprise the creative team behind the show. “Nigejozu no Wakakuni” has a lot of talent and experience, therefore it’s bound to have a big impact on the anime industry.