The anime community is abuzz with the recent premiere of Dandadan, a new hit series from Shonen Jump. As fans eagerly anticipated Episode 3, they were treated to a thrilling showdown between Turbo Granny and Momo Ayase’s grandmother, Seiko Ayase. However, a wave of controversy has emerged surrounding the episode’s censorship in China, sparking comparisons to the infamous practices of the now-defunct 4Kids.

Dandadan’s third episode recently aired, but the version shown on the Chinese streaming platform Bilibili has raised eyebrows. A Twitter account called @DandanShots posted side-by-side comparisons of the original Japanese version and the edited Chinese version. Viewers quickly noticed that Seiko’s cleavage was altered, with her clothing modified to obscure it. Even more startling was the change of her cigarette to a lollipop, a decision that left many fans scratching their heads. The post garnered over 38.9k views within just a few days of its release on October 18, highlighting the growing interest in the show’s censorship practices.

A Viral Discussion on Anime Censorship

Dandadan anime

Dandadan anime

The reaction to this censorship has been swift and vocal. Many fans took to social media to express their confusion and frustration. One user commented, “What’s the point in even censoring this? It’s not even close to being obscene.” Such sentiments resonate with a broader critique of how the Chinese government handles content deemed politically or socially inappropriate. The changes made to Dandadan’s visuals seem particularly excessive, even by the standards set by previous censorship trends.

This situation has led to comparisons with the notorious practices of 4Kids, the anime licensing group that dominated the late ’90s and early 2000s. Known for its overly cautious approach to content, 4Kids made significant alterations to various anime series, often substituting innocuous scenes with ridiculous replacements. For instance, they replaced a character’s firearm with a bright water gun in One Piece and transformed a knife-wielding scene in Naruto into a far less intense moment involving an apple. These edits were ostensibly made to protect younger audiences, yet they often resulted in bewildering outcomes.

Dandadan: A Unique Blend of Genres

At its core, Dandadan is a captivating fusion of occult comedy, romance, and drama. The story revolves around two high school students, Momo Ayase, who believes in ghosts, and her friend “Okarun,” a staunch believer in aliens. To settle their ongoing debate, they dare each other to explore Japan’s most notorious haunted locations. Their adventure leads to Okarun being possessed by a vengeful spirit, while Momo finds herself abducted by extraterrestrials. As she fights for her freedom, Momo discovers her latent psychic abilities, which become crucial in helping Okarun combat his supernatural curse. Under the guidance of her grandmother, Seiko, the duo embarks on a rigorous training journey to defeat Turbo Granny. Fans can look forward to Episode 4, set to debut on October 24.

Streaming and Availability

For those eager to catch up on this fascinating series, the Dandadan anime is available for streaming on Crunchyroll and Netflix. Additionally, Tatsu Yukinobu’s original manga is being published in English by VIZ Media, allowing even more fans to engage with the source material.

As the conversation around Dandadan’s censorship continues to grow, it serves as a reminder of the complexities surrounding anime distribution and the varying standards of appropriateness across different cultures. The discussions about the Dandadan English dub and the implications of censorship will likely remain at the forefront as more episodes are released.


Ashish Khaitan is a content writer based out of New Delhi. He usually writes content for business owners, websites, and filmmakers. He likes anime, mangas, and Kdramas and often spends a lot of time reading books. He enjoys his own company and rarely goes outside unless there is a sale in the local clothing stores.


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