The beloved manga series “Senpai is an Otokonoko” is set to conclude its heartwarming tale with its upcoming 10th volume, marking the end of an emotional journey that garnered attention from manga fans worldwide since its debut in 2019. Created by Pom, the manga has not only carved its place in the hearts of fans but has also inspired a popular TV anime currently airing.

The ninth compiled volume of “Senpai is an Otokonoko: My Crossdressing Classmate” recently announced the manga’s impending conclusion, stirring both excitement and nostalgia among its dedicated readership. Since its inception, the series has been serialized on the LINE Manga app, where it garnered a loyal following for its unique narrative and endearing characters.

Senpai is an Otokonoko: My Crossdressing Classmate Concludes the story

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At its core, “Senpai is an Otokonoko” explores the complex dynamics of relationships and identity amidst the backdrop of high school life. The story revolves around Saki Aoi, a first-year student smitten by her senpai, Makoto Hanaoka. Makoto, known for his tall stature and elegant demeanor, harbors a secret that sets the stage for a touching romantic plot twist—he is a boy who enjoys cross-dressing.

Despite Makoto’s initial hesitations and fears of rejection, Saki’s unwavering affection transcends conventional norms, propelling the narrative forward with themes of acceptance and self-discovery. As their bond deepens, Saki becomes determined to embrace Makoto for who he truly is, challenging societal expectations and her preconceptions about love.

The manga’s portrayal of Makoto’s journey resonates with readers due to its sensitive handling of identity issues and the complexities of adolescent relationships. Makoto’s struggles with societal judgment and familial disapproval add layers of depth to his character, making him a relatable and empathetic protagonist.

Kodansha USA Publishing has recognized the manga’s widespread appeal and has slated the English release of its first volume for April 2025. The publisher describes “Senpai is an Otokonoko” as a refreshing take on romance, blending elements of comedy and drama against the backdrop of school life.

The Senpai is an Otokonoko Anime Adaptation

Furthermore, the manga’s success paved the way for an animated adaptation, which premiered on July 4 to much anticipation and acclaim. Crunchyroll, a leading streaming platform for anime, has been broadcasting the series as it airs in Japan, further solidifying its popularity among international audiences.

The narrative isn’t solely focused on romance; it also delves into the bonds of friendship and the challenges of self-acceptance. Ryuji Taiga, Makoto’s loyal friend who staunchly defends him against gossip and prejudice, adds another layer of emotional depth to the storyline. His own evolving feelings towards Makoto hint at complexities beyond mere friendship, highlighting the intricate web of emotions woven throughout the narrative.

As fans eagerly await the conclusion in the 10th volume, the legacy of “Senpai is an Otokonoko” remains rooted in its ability to tackle sensitive themes with grace and authenticity. Pom’s storytelling prowess and character development have left an indelible mark on the manga landscape, resonating with readers who seek narratives that blend emotional resonance with lighthearted moments.


Ashish Khaitan is a content writer based out of New Delhi. He usually writes content for business owners, websites, and filmmakers. He likes anime, mangas, and Kdramas and often spends a lot of time reading books. He enjoys his own company and rarely goes outside unless there is a sale in the local clothing stores.


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