The popular anime series “Rent-A-Girlfriend” is set to return with its highly anticipated fourth season in 2025, as announced by Reiji Miyajima’s manga adaptation staff. This announcement coincides with celebrating the manga’s seventh anniversary, marking a new milestone for romcom anime fans.

Rent-A-Girlfriend season 4, poised to cover the new Hawaiians arc, follows the success of its predecessor which premiered in July 2023. Continuing its tradition of captivating storytelling and vibrant animation, the third season debuted to widespread acclaim on MBS, TBS, and other affiliates within the Super Animeism block.

International audiences accessed the series through Crunchyroll, reaffirming its global appeal.

The Era of Rent-A-Girlfriend Season 4



Originally launching in July 2020 on the prestigious Animeism programming block, “Rent-A-Girlfriend” swiftly garnered a dedicated following with its initial 12-episode season. The narrative revolves around Kazuya Kinoshita, a disheartened college student who embarks on unconventional dating experiences after a painful breakup.

His life turns unexpectedly when he meets Mizuhara Chizuru, a beautiful and enigmatic girl-for-hire, sparking a whirlwind of romantic entanglements and comedic escapades.

Reiji Miyajima first introduced the manga in Kodansha’s Weekly Shōnen Magazine in July 2017, quickly amassing a loyal readership for its compelling character dynamics and engaging plot twists.

Kodansha USA Publishing has since brought the manga to English-speaking audiences, further expanding its global reach and popularity.

Anticipation of Rent-A-Girlfriend Season 4

Beyond its animated adaptation, “Rent-A-Girlfriend” has ventured into live-action territory with a successful series premiere in July 2022, demonstrating its versatility across different mediums and reinforcing its status as a cultural phenomenon.

As anticipation mounts for the upcoming fourth season, fans can expect the continuation of Kazuya and Chizuru’s complex relationship against the scenic backdrop of Hawaii.

With each season building upon the last in terms of narrative depth and emotional resonance, “Rent-A-Girlfriend” Season 4 promises to deliver another compelling chapter in the series’ legacy.

Stay tuned for more updates as the release date approaches, and join fans worldwide in eagerly anticipating the next installment of “Rent-A-Girlfriend.”

Whether you’re a longtime enthusiast or new to the series, the journey of love, laughter, and unexpected twists awaits in season four of “Rent-A-Girlfriend.”


Ashish Khaitan is a content writer based out of New Delhi. He usually writes content for business owners, websites, and filmmakers. He likes anime, mangas, and Kdramas and often spends a lot of time reading books. He enjoys his own company and rarely goes outside unless there is a sale in the local clothing stores.


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